
File Cutter

Split files by this program into custom sizes, and merge them later. This program has a file verification algorithm to inform you if the merged file has been corrupted. You can either install this program on your computer or use it as a portable application without installing.

File CutterFile Cutter

Program Information
Latest Version: 2.2
Last Update: October 2012
License: Freeware
Tested on: Windows 10, 7, Vista, XP

Download Here
Download the Latest Version of File Cutter - English (662 KB) - Mirror - [Report Broken Link]
Download the Latest Version of File Cutter - Persian (664 MB) - Mirror - [Report Broken Link]

Download Old Versions

Source Code
This program is made by Delphi (non-Unicode versions). If you want to buy the program source code, click one of the below links to add it to your shopping cart. After making the payment the source code will be sent to your email address in 2 days.
Note that the above descriptions are for the latest version and old versions have not all the features that are mentioned here. So you must download the old version program and test it before buying its source code.
Buy File Cutter V2 Source Code (latest version) (9.9 EUR) [€] [تومان]
Buy File Cutter V1 Source Code (old version) (6.5 EUR) [€] [تومان]

About Me

I was born in Shahroud, Iran in 1987. I'm a mechanical engineer. I like making things, computer programming, mechanics, electronics, and specially robotics and mechatronics. For more info visit

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